Monday, March 24, 2008

This DBB (Tu, 3/25) QAlias: Go Google Yourself – Mike McGraw

Believe it or not, there is another Scott Shamp in the world. Never met him but google tells me about him everytime I search myself (and don’t act like I am the only person googling myself, we all do it, right?). Wouldn’t it be cool if I could guarantee that whenever anyone searched for me on any search engine they would find the real me? Call it brand management. QAlias ( is a company created to manage that very problem. Using its service, I can make sure that when someone searches for me they find what I want them to find. But it costs a little. Come find out if it is worth it when Mike McGraw of QAlias talks at our next Digital Brown Bag (Tu, 3/25, 12:30P, NMI, 412 Journalism). And you can google Mike McGraw to see how it works.

“Do It Legally” (Tu, 3/25, 7:30P)

Of course I am talking about downloading music legally (what did you think I was talking about). Kay Sweetser’s Public Relations class has been working with the UGA Committee on Digital Media Downloading to promote legal file downloading. On Tuesday (3/25) at 7:30P in Room 248 of the Student Learning Center the "Face the Music" panel discussion will focus on a variety of topics including the legal ramifications of illegal downloading; the effects illegal downloading has on artists; the university's role in dealing with illegal downloading on campus; and legal downloading alternatives. Promises to be an interesting conversation so come learn how to get right with the law. For more info

NMIX Courses for Fall 2008

The New Media Institute is growing. This year we will be offering more classes on more topics. So if you want to sign up for a class, contact the NMI’s Danielle Robinson (

NMIX2020 Intro to New Media (3 hours)
2:30P – 3:20P MWF
A large lecture class covering old new media, now new media, and next new media.

NMIX4110 New Media Production (3 hours)
3 sections
- 8:00A – 8:50A MWF
- 10:10A – 11:00A MWF
- 11:15A – 12:05P MWF
Prerequisite: NMIX2020
Get bits underneath your fingernails while learning how to make new media things (like web pages, flash animations, etc.).

NMIX4200 New Media Technologies – Videogames (3 hours)
11:00A – 12:15P TuTh
Prerequisite: NMIX2020 & NMIX4110
This class will explore the history, techniques, and impact of videogames.

NMIX4220 & NMIX4221 New Media Topics I & II (1 hour each)
12:30p – 1:45P Tu
These discussion classes explore the technologies, techniques, and issues shaping new media. Students interact with new media professionals and develop vital career networks.

NMIX4510 New Media Capstone (3 hours)
Prerequisite: NMIX 2020 & NMIX4110
Students will work in teams to complete a real world new media project.

All of these classes are part of the New Media Interdisciplinary Certificate – you can read more about it at

Loop 10 Concert – Monday 3/24, 5P

Performance: Loop 10 Concert. Sponsored by the Hugh Hodgson School of Music Student Composers Association. The Loop 10 Sessions is a concert series that focuses on experimental music produced by student composers very quickly. Composers are randomly selected for each event along with a general theme to provide a sense of cohesion. This theme is Politics 5:00 p.m. Dancz Center for New Music, Music Building, 2nd floor.